Registering as a jobseeker or unemployed – it must be done

Registering as a jobseeker or unemployed – it must be done
Registering as unemployed does not signify becoming permanently unemployed. In particular as with professional help you will quickly find your way back into the primary labour market. Nevertheless, it is important to fulfil the formal obligation and inform the employment agency in good time. These are the factors you have to bear in mind.
You must register with your local employment agency as unemployed or seeking work three months prior to expiry of your employment contract.
In case you learn about the termination less than three months before the end of your employment, you must report the termination to the employment agency within three days of becoming aware of it. This is also possible by telephone or via the internet.
Notification of unemployment is regarded as an application for unemployment benefit.
Whilst you are receiving unemployment benefits, you are insured for health, long-term-care, pension and accident.
You are obliged to independently look for a new job. In case you don’t, you risk your benefits being withheld.

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