Five steps to a new start

A career within a company or a new start with a new employer do not descend from heaven. They have to - and can be - systematically planned. In times of an increasing shortage of skilled workers, professionals and managers have a valid chance that their plans will be successful. We recommend these five steps - and will actively support you:
-Firstly, and with the support of our career advisors, take stock of your potential: What are the professional skills, soft skills, experience and personality you bring to the table? Where do you need to up your game? Where would you like to develop further?
-Specify your exact goals: Would you like a different type of work, i.e. more project work, less individual work? Would you like to remain in the same sector? Could you imagine a change of location?
- Determine your career aspirations: What type of position would you like to hold in the short, medium and long term?
- Select the type of company: Would you prefer a corporate career or would mid-size companies also be interesting employers for you?
- Being aware of what your exact ideas are and having developed a tailor-made strategy, you are ready to start focused activities supported by your personal career advisor.

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